
Фильм-катастрофа в реальности

Это не кадр со съемок очередного фильма катастрофы и даже не компьютерная графика.

Это все было на самом деле …-

Cars lie smashed by the collapsed Interstate 5 connector few hours after Northridge earthquake, on January 17, 1994, in Sylmar, California. The magnitude 6.7 Northridge Earthquake occurred on January 17, 1994 at 4:31 AM, killing more than 60, injuring more than 9,000, and causing widespread damage throughout the west San Fernando Valley.(Jonathan Nourok/AFP/Getty Images)
17 января 1994 г. в 4:31, произошло землетрясение в Сан-Фернандо-Вэлли (область Лос-Анджелесе,) величиной 6,7 баллов .   Погибло в более 60, ранено более 9000 человек.  Автострады разрушились, газопроводы взорвались и загорелись, жилые комплексы рухнули. Тысячи зданий были разрушены либо напрямую, либо объявлены небезопасными для жилья, а позже снесены.
Прошло 20 лет. Давайте вспомним эти события (текст не переведен, не стал портить гугл-переводчиком):

A portion of the Santa Monica Freeway near La Cienega in Los Angeles, damaged due to a major earthquake early Monday morning, January 17, 1994.(AP Photo/Lois Bernstein) #

Spectators watch a building burn amid glass shards and other rubble in the Sherman Oaks area of Los Angeles in the early morning hours of January 17, 1994, following a major earthquake that hit Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Jerome Henkel) #

Gas from a ruptured supply line burns as water from broken water main floods Balboa Boulevard in the Granada Hills area of Los Angeles, on January 17, 1994. The fire from the gas main destroyed two homes. ( AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi) #

A tractor trailer and camper are abandoned on a span of eastbound state Route 14 near Sylmar, California, on January 18, 1994. (AP Photo/Doug Pizac) #

A crashed vehicle sits against part of the Santa Monica Freeway that separated during a severe earthquake, on January 17, 1994. (AP Photo/Lois Bernstein) #

This January 17, 1994 photo shows the covered body of Los Angeles Police Officer Clarence Wayne Dean, 46, near his motorcycle which plunged off the State Highway 14 overpass that collapsed onto Interstate 5, an interchange that is now named in his memory. Dean was reporting to work in the predawn darkness and apparently never saw the collapsed bridge. (AP Photo/Doug Pizac) #

A gas main on fire throws flames into the air after it broke and exploded destroying nearby homes following the Northridge earthquake, on January 17, 1994. There were a total of 466 fires reported on January 17, three of them simultaneously broke out immediately following the earthquake and were due of the rupture of natural gas valves and/or mains. (Hal Garb/AFP/Getty Images) #

A portion of the outfield structure at Anaheim Stadium collapsed after a severe earthquake hit the Los Angeles area, on January 17, 1994. (AP Photo/Ben Margot) #

Ray Hudson reacts as a friend’-s home goes up in flames at the Oak Ridge Trailer Park in Sylmar, California, after a major earthquake, on January 17, 1994.(AP Photo/Douglas C. Pizac) #

Steel-reinforced concrete support beams damaged by the 1994 earthquake. (USGS Photo) #

Men inspect damage to cars and apartment complex after Northridge earthquake, on January 21, 1994, in Canoga, California. (Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images) #

Damage from the January 1994 Northridge Earthquake sustained by the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. (Stephen Dunn/Getty Images) #

The parking structure at the Northridge Fashion Center in the South San Fernando Valley, collapsed after a severe earthquake struck, on January 17, 1994.(AP Photo/Reed Saxon) #

A Los Angeles police officer stands in front of the Northridge Meadows Apartment building, after the upper floors of the structure collapsed onto the open garages and first story, killing 16 people, on January 17, 1994. (AP Photo/Chuck Jackson) #

Iran Ashtari and his wife Emani eat dinner among their belongings in front of their quake-damaged apartment on January 17, 1994. (Tim Clary/AFP/Getty Images) #

University of California, Northridge, students walk by a parking structure that was heavily damaged on the CSUN campus in the January 17 earthquake.(AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill) #

Medical personal work a triage unit outside Olive View Medical Center in Sylmar, California, to help some of the dozens of people injured in the earthquake, on January 17, 1994.(AP Photo/Douglas C.Pizac) #

A portion of the Bullock’-s department store in the Northridge Fashion Center, collapsed after the Northridge earthquake, on January 17, 1994. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon) #

Octogenarian Art Mahony sleeps at the Red Cross shelter set up in the Santa Clarita, California, Boys and Girls Club, on January 18, 1994. Many people forced from their homes by the previous day’-s earthquake sought out shelters to get a night’-s rest. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) #

People left homeless by the Northridge earthquake line up in Canoga Park, California, to make phone calls at a mobile telephone facility, on January 22, 1994. Thousands of people affected by the 17 January earthquake lived in cars and tents for days after, rather than risk another earthquake in their homes. (Mike Nelson/AFP/Getty Images) #

Bricks and debris surround a building housing Ara’-s Pastry on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, on January 17, 1994. (AP Photo/Rene Macura) #

The glow of a house fire and the reflection of lights on a fire truck gives an unearthly look to firefighters fighting a blaze in the 18000 block of Prairie Street in the Northridge section of Los Angeles, on January 18, 1994. Many houses and businesses burned as a result of gas leaks and sparking electrical wires as power was turned back on even as aftershocks to Monday’-s 6.6 earthquake continued to roll through the area. (AP Photo/Mark Terrill) #

Imuez Rodrigues, left, and Jose Murillo, homeless following Monday’-s deadly earthquake, huddle around a warm fire at their camp in the Granada Hills area of Los Angeles, on January 19, 1994. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) #

California National Guardsman Sgt. David Valenzuela, stands guard over the corner of Sherman Way and Reseda in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles in the early morning of January 18, 1994. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski) #

Early morning commuters face bumper-to-bumper traffic as they travel the Sierra Highway to avoid the earthquake-damaged Highway 14 and Interstate 5 interchange, on their way to Los Angeles, on January 19, 1994. (AP Photo/Doug Pizac) #

A construction worker starts to cut up some of the destroyed walls in the courtyard of Northridge Meadow, an apartment complex that collapsed during the Northridge earthquake, on January 24, 1994. (Hal Garb/AFP/Getty Images) #

A resident and a cameraman look at damage to the Kaiser Permanente Building following the Northridge earthquake, on January 17, 1994. (Hal Garb/AFP/Getty Images) #

A resident fills a water jug on January 18, 1994, at one of many water lines set up in the area to assist victims of the Northridge earthquake. Local authorities warned residents not to drink tap water after the quake broke many water mains in the area. (Chris Wilkins/AFP/Getty Images) #

Maria Partlow sifts through the remains of her home that burned after the earthquake in the Granada Hills section of Los Angeles, on January 19, 1994.(AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) #






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